Night of the Blood Beast Movie Review

A Roger Corman production from 1958, Night of the Blood Beast is a classic in B movies. Not so much for being a diamond in the rough, or even a competent attempt at filmmaking, but it's infamous reputation as a (blog post) horrifying low budget train wreck. However, does this do horror movies it justice, or is there really more to see here?Source

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Sssssss Movie Review

Considered a cult classic, the 1973 B-grade horror film Sssssss pitted it's actors with real, living (mostly) snakes! How does this Universal film stand up today, and did it truly do it's premise justice? Decker Shado gives his review, and opinions on (blog) some filmmaking decisions.Source: Sssssss Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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I see a movie, gain details, and after that forget it the next day. I simply am who I am.Movie sites that you may find usefulAdrenaline-Packed FilmsTrying to Figure it Out...Moon Base Film LibraryVery Rare Cult MoviesDVD Verdict

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